Lets talk about what had to be related and associated with your profile picture and music. It was the almighty layout backgrounds. We also have to talk about what your biography said and the unforgettable mood setting that was at the bottom of your profile picture. The mood sometimes would range from in love to frustrated. One time in my bio I wrote something like “I have been let down so many times. I don’t deserve this.” It was about how I danced with this guy I had a crush on at this dance and how he started dancing with another girl in the same night haha. Call a 24 hr tow company wichita ks to haul you out of that situation because we were all ready for our friends to reach out to us and give us compliments.
The thing about choosing a layout background is that there were different sites you had to visit in order to get your perfect look. It wasn’t that easy though. We had to copy and paste the domain link into the url space of our pages. If you got one letter wrong, you had to re-paste the whole thing. Not only did you have to choose a background colour and style, you had to choose a font style and heading. The list goes on and on and you had to choose if it was bolded, italicized, strikethrough or underlined. Was there ever really a point of the strike through? The most fun part of the layout was choosing the glitter emoticons.
The comment box and survey boxes had to take the grand prize for the most laughable things on the Internet. This was similar to a wall-to-wall interaction but way more hilarious and embarrassing. I know I didn’t think it was possible either. The questions that you would answer would be so ridiculous like what food would you never eat again if you could win 1000$ for it. You would also be required to repost it because there would be a picture of a scary woman or ghost threatening you to repost. It would read something like “Repost this or bloody Mary will visit you in your room tonight”. Whoever started that must either be evil or be the smartest marketer in the world, or both.
The last laughable thing that caused problems on your layout was your top 8 friends. Luckily they updated the feature eventually and you were able to update the top 8 to your top 30. This still costed us some friendships back in middle school. If you weren’t in your best friends #1 spot then you would get angry at them and they would get angry at you if they weren’t your #1 best friend spot.It was just one big mess. It’s a good thing Facebook and Instagram are not based off of this because this would cause a lot of problems now. I guess Myspace was a trial run for the big time social media sites. Now we just have to worry about getting our likes up, I guess not much has changed in the last decade.